You’ve been invited!

Someone who cares about you has added your name to their Powerhouse Chiropractic “MY FIVE” List.

This is a special list of up to 5 people a patient may share their referral access with.

Because we are a Family Practice, we give referrals from existing patients priority access to our available Complimentary Consultations… as well as a $50 credit towards our Bio-Structural Examination (if warranted).

Watch the video below for details.

Not sure why your friend or family member referred you?

Scroll down, watch the “GET RELIEF” video for a comprehensive overview of the Life By Design Chiropractic process.

Consult with a Life By Design Chiropractor and get help solving your health problem right now!


How to overcome spine related problems, headaches, neck pain, back pain, sciatica, shoulder issues and completely transform your health…

Even when nothing else has helped.

Consult with a Life By Design Chiropractor and get help solving your health problem right now!

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We specialize in testing & correcting core problems with the spine and nervous system that could be at root of your health challenges.